is about enterprises that are obsessed ONLY about the business case when it comes to Digitalization and/or adoption of Industry 4.0
Obsession about short ROIs and need to see impact quickly or immediately.
Is about enterprises that are obsessed ONLY about the business case when it comes to Digitalization and/or adoption of Industry 4.0 - obsession about short ROIs and need to see impact quickly or immediately. My fear and it was evident during the last 18 months – those enterprises that did not start their digitalization program – had to shut down or felt obsolete (left behind) – unable to pivot, not agile enough to evolve.
DIGITALIZATION and adoption of INDUSTRY 4.0 is imperative for an AGILE & PREDICTABLE business with an ecosystem that encourages COLLABORATION -> internal (between divisions) and external (with partners). OUTCOME of skilled workforce and transparent (data driven business) environment -> same team size -> double the revenue within 2-3 years. Indirect and direct impact to the Environment and Community.
RULE of Thumb | 80% business as usual and 20% business transformation(improvements) as a constant...